Turkish flower producers plan to increase exports to $170 million

The Turkish ornamental plant industry aims to increase its exports to $170 million in 2023.

The volume of export of flower products from Turkey for the first 5 months of this year amounted to 80 million dollars.

There are 3,500 endemic plant species in the flora of Turkey. The Turkish ornamental plant industry exports its products to various countries around the world. Among the demanded products of the sector: cut flowers, indoor and outdoor plants, bulbs, cuttings, seedlings of trees and shrubs, wreaths, etc.

The sector's products are in demand not only in the domestic market, but also in foreign markets.

The head of the Union of Exporters of Ornamental Plants and Derivatives of Turkey, Ismail Yilmaz, said that the growth in exports of the sector's products in the first five months of this year amounted to 7 percent.

According to him, representatives of the sector could not achieve the desired flower harvest last year due to the damage caused by snowfall in Isparta two years ago.

At the same time, Yilmaz noted that the production of ornamental plants this year began to gain momentum and this will have a positive impact on export performance.

The head of the Union of Exporters recalled that the volume of exports of flower products last year amounted to $145 billion.