
Turkish flower producers plan to increase exports to $170 million

There are 3,500 endemic plant species in the flora of Turkey. The Turkish ornamental plant industry exports its products to various countries around the world. Among the demanded products of the sector: cut flowers, indoor and outdoor plants, bulbs, cuttings, seedlings of trees and shrubs, wreaths, etc.
24.06.2023 [More]

Seedlings sent from Turkey for "Forest of Friendship" in Jebrail

44,000 seedlings, including Eldar pine, red pine, black cypress, yellow pine and other seedlings from the forests of Konya, Eskisehir, Mardin and Mersin, were sent to Azerbaijan for the Azerbaijani-Turkish Friendship Forest, which is being created on an area of 65 hectares.
19.12.2022 [More]

Meat, vegetables, butter and pasta prices drop in Turkey

In Turkey, summed up the results for August on the increase / decrease in prices for various groups of goods and services. According to the Turkish Statistical Office, prices for poultry fell the most last month, by 8%, and for vegetables - by almost 7%. The prices for butter and pasta have also become slightly lower. And juices have risen in price by 14%. The price of sweets has also risen.
09.09.2022 [More]

Turkey is increasing the export of grain and legumes

Most of the sector’s products are sent to Iraq, the United States and Syria. Applications from other countries have also begun to arrive, and these are the first orders from many.
21.08.2022 [More]

Turkey increased tea exports to Europe

Most tea in Turkey is bought by European countries, and sales growth is steady and constant. The main importers are Belgium, the UK and Germany. It should be noted that tea deliveries to African countries also increased. Moreover, a number of them, for example, Cameroon, Kenya and a number of others, bought tea in Turkey for the first time.
20.07.2022 [More]

Black roses of Turkey will become a brand

In Turkey, in the southeast of the country, in the city of Halfeti, unique black roses called Karagul grow. In addition to unusual velvet-black petals, roses have an original, sweet aroma.
02.06.2022 [More]

Turkish flowers for February 14 will be given in 24 countries

Most of all, red carnations are grown for export in Turkey. These romantic flowers are purchased by the Netherlands, Germany, Romania, in total deliveries are made to 24 countries of the world.
11.02.2022 [More]

Turkish coffee is drunk in 144 countries

In Turkey, coffee exports have more than doubled in 5 years. In just 10 months of this year, Turkish coffee was sold for $18.7 million. Currently, 144 countries buy coffee in Turkey. Most coffee this year was exported to the United States, followed by Belarus, the Netherlands, Russia and the TRNC.
08.12.2021 [More]

Pasta: Turkey decided to overtake Italy

In Turkey, the pasta sector is aiming for a record in exports. According to the Federation of Turkish Flour Industry Industrialists, over the past three years, almost one and a half million tons of pasta have been sold abroad. Now the country is in second place in the world after Italy in terms of pasta exports.
16.11.2021 [More]

Turkey sells flowers to 83 countries

In Turkey, flower exports have increased this year. According to the Association of Exporters of Turkey, it is planned to sell flowers worth $110 million for the New Year holidays. In Turkey, a variety of flowers are grown for export. Roses and carnations are especially popular.
20.09.2021 [More]